
Lab Director

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William J. Chopik, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vita

Bill received his B.S. in psychology and sociology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2015. Bill is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Social/Personality area at Michigan State University.

Postdoctoral Fellow


Rebekka Weidmann, Ph.D.

Rebekka Weidmann is a postdoctoral fellow funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. She’s interested in examining the longitudinal interplay between subjective well-being and personality trait development, attachment and health in romantic couples, and family climate and personality development.

Graduate Students


Mariah Purol, M.A.

Mariah is a fifth-year graduate student in the Social/Personality program at MSU. She is broadly interested in close relationships and well-being. She also has interests in personality and positive psychology, including gratitude, optimism, and humor.


Hyewon Yang, M.A.

Hyewon is a second-year graduate student in the Social/Personality program at MSU. She is interested in individual differences, non-romantic relationships, and aging from the lens of relationship science. What unites her interests is the idea of ‘interaction’–how one person or relationship interacts with others to shape well-being outcomes.

Friends of the Lab

We have a proud legacy of having a lot of undergraduate research assistants, collaborators, and friends that have worked on lab-related projects over the years. Here is just a short list of people that at one point were formally part of the lab!

David Johnson, Ph.D., Former Postdoctoral Fellow

Jeewon Oh, Ph.D., Former Graduate Student

Andrew Defever, Ph.D., Former Graduate Student

Katie Leahy, Ph.D., Former Graduate Student

Manon van Scheppingen, Ph.D., Former Visiting Scholar

Ji Hyun Lee, Ph.D., Former Graduate Student Affiliate

Lindsay Ackerman, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant

Joshua Confer, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant

Leo Norling, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant

Ethel Xu, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant

Zach Sundin, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant

Ali Kalam, B.S., Former Undergrad Research Assistant and Fulbright Fellow

Rachel Bach, B.S., Former SROP Student

Nyla Wofford, B.S., Former SROP Student

Jhante’ Rivet, B.S., Former SROP Student

Adonaia-Ambition Christian Patterson, B.S., Former SROP Student

Michelle Vargas, Former SROP Student